Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Why Another Blog Why Man?

This blog was specifically started to speak to the questions I have about the nature of the church, and its relevance in today's world. I've spent quite a few years in a group which I believed had a high degree of relevance, but now I am looking at it from the outside.

It don't look the same from the outside as it does from the inside. The church looks pretty square to me, and I am saying that as a pastor in two denominations (on evangelical, one pentecostal) over the last 21 years.

Blogateers and non-blogateers alike are welcome to add their two cents in on this question as I pursue it mercilessly.

I will leave no sharp corners unassailed in asking hard questions, and offering brutal evaluations. I want to be SQUARE NO MORE! Yep, I just yelled in type.


mikeofearthsea said...

"Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to consume [them]?"

How I wish it were so...

How I wish He would let me.

Alas, He who endured the scorn and betrayal of all time - past, present, and futre - why does he call us to the glorious road of downward mobility - the true triumph of eternal treasure?

As David said, "all men are but liars. all men are a vain hope." Sadly, true for all of us.


mikeofearthsea said...

("Sadly, true for all of us") as some point in each of our lives...

Pastor Phil said...

Hey MM, and moes - thanks for being there.

Now is a good time to evaluate, and reevaluate not just church life, but ourselves. Obviously in a time of remaking, a person wants to keep the good stuff while ridding themselves of the garbage.

Anonymous said...

sharp corners hurt... but is it wrong to be close minded about certain things? cause i firmly believe that if you're 'open to anything you'll fall for everything'

wouldn't it be cool if all of us that call ourselves Christians knew what we were doing?

Pastor Phil said...

Hey Carl - Thanks bro.