Monday, July 10, 2006

Looking for a Win

Win and Christie dropped by last night after church. We haven't seen them for quite some time. They pastor a church in Beverly. Win and Christie are struggling with autheniticity in Christianity, just like we are. He calls the state of American Christianity "the system." They think that "the system" is messed up, and it is part of the problem with Christianity in America today. Well no, they think it is THE problem.

Thye actually came by to see how Elijah was doing, because they only just heard about our son's hospital stint, and his ongoing health struggles.

Thye came by to see how we were doing. They were being relational. They were being friends. They didn't care about numbers at the church, or a discussion couched in self-important Christianized phrases. They just wanted to see how we were doing. Win commented that he wasn't looking to build a church these days, he was just looking for friends.

I don't think that I'm looking to win the prize for church growth either, but I guess I am looking for a Win. More people like Win would be refreshing.

I think he holds the key to authenticity in Christianity - friends. Friends like Jesus - who act like Jesus - who are there for us like Jesus.

What do you think?

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