Arrangements or Shawn's Funeral are these:
Saunders-Dwyer Funeral Home - in New Bedford, MA
495 Park Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Wake: Wednesday, March 21st 6pm-8pm for Salem residents, and friends
Funeral: Thursday, March 22nd 10am at the Saunders Funeral Home, and then going from there to the Cemetary for a graveside service.
Directions click here
Hi friends,
Early this morning a friend of mine died. He was quite influential in the Witchcraft Circles here in Salem, and will be missed sorely by many people. Shawn Poirier passed on early in the AM hours today - Sunday the 18th of March. He and Christian Day worked together on the Witches of Salem, and Festival of the Dead events here in our city. Christian who is a part of our Circle and Cross Talk list is away in New Orleans right now, and certainly could use your prayers and thoughts. Please consider his close friend Leanne, and Shawn's mother Joanne as well.
He and I got to know each other fairly well over the last 8 years I've lived here in Salem, and I will miss some of those late night phone calls, and spontaneous meetings we had.
Trusting in Goodness, Living in Grace, Thankful for You,
Pastor Phil
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend Phil.h
I really am very shocked about Shawns death. I didn't get the chance to meet him, despite several attempts Phil made to try to arrange that. Now that can't happen.
My love, thoughts and energies go to all who knew and card about Shawn.
Thanks bro. I was hoping you'd get a chance to meet him in May. You would have enjoyed getting to know him.
A number iof people a quite shaken by the events, but I trust for grace, peace, and openness to reign on the heels of tragedy. Thanks for your caring heart.
Let us know how we can be of support to you, and to both Leanne and Joanne.
prayers from across the pond
I'll keep you up on things James.
Thanks Sally.
Sympathies. I take it his passing was unexpected.
Yes, quite unexpected. Thanks.
too bad he's burning in hell. god is not mocked.
You must serve a God of deep passionate love who rejoices in the suffering of His creation.
Your judgmental, and inappropriate words I assume also are an example of your Christianity.
phil i think i remember him. my condolences are with his family and the community there.
'too bad he's burning in hell. god is not mocked.'
Because, of course YOU are God and therefore YOU are the one that sits in judgement. YOU know Shawns heart.
Ever heard of the Pharisees? Even the apostles messed up in their discernment efforts from time to time.
Perhaps you need to revisit your bible and explore the concept of humility.
Sorry folks.
I always find that death is an important time to take even greater care of the living. May those left behind to mourn the passing of Shawn be lifted by memories of what he brought to their lives.
It is still a shock for many. Shawn was one of those who helped me on my way back to Christianity. I will miss him dearly.
Hey MM,
Now isn't that a turn of events? Who would have guessed? It should be something which makes us rethink our harshly drawn lines, and recognizes that people may be closer to finding God than many of us Born-Againers might think.
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